Education has become an important thing. It was important before but it has become more important than before. But sadly, there are still some countries where the development rate regarding the education is very low.
There was a time when people said that education is not important and one can do business if he or she has the brains to do it. Some said that education is a waste of time and money and, in this time, anyone could be making a lot of money.
Education has become a business for many people now. There was a time when there were some schools and the whole schools was dedicated towards the children in educating and making the children.
But now the school’s main concern is the fee and if the students don’t pay fee, they are literally asked to leave the class. But there is a full on war between taking the children out of the class and the parents not paying the fee due to different reasons.
We hope that somehow and someday, this issue gets resolved. If you are a kind of person who wants to open a school or who wants to get their kid enrolled in any school but in both cases, the both parties don’t know how to if this the case then we suggest that you keep reading because here we have mentioned some stats that will give you some idea, so keep reading to know more;
Virtual reality: virtual reality or you can say augmented reality is becoming really popular and they have made a significant impact in the year of 2017 and since the corona virus has spread in the world, this thing has become very important now.
Racism: the issue of racism has become more and more in the world and we can see the latest issues regarding racism and how much riots it has caused in different parts of United States. And you will be shocked to know that from 1994 to 2014, the issue of racism was at peak and it affected many kids from different backgrounds and colors and these things are strictly handled in nurseries in Jumeirah Dubai.
Digital education: public schools or you can say private schools spend more than 3 billion dollars yearly on digital education and this exercise is mostly done in British curriculum nursery in Dubai.